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September 2023 Dragon's Talk blog - Gratitude and Love

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

So much has happened since I wrote the August blog ‘Even More Gratitude’. I had a wonderful month, full of visits from friends. I was able to walk more and enjoy the warmth when it came. Suddenly my left shoulder cracked and I found myself in intense pain. After a visit to the Accident and Emergency department at my local hospital I was told it was an arthritic flare up and was given a packet of pain killers. My mood plummeted. I had spent months in pain with my hip, now it was so much better that I could walk again. I kept asking my Soul - Why, why why? I haven’t received any answer yet but perhaps it shows me that the ‘why’ doesn’t really matter. What matters is how I deal with, not only being in pain, but not being able to use my left arm (I’m left handed).

I considered cancelling my trip to Scotland but suddenly I felt the need for me to be there as so much craziness was happening in people’s lives and I knew that a weekend of transformational healing would help them enormously. Although I found it hard, when in so much pain, to think of anything to be grateful for I still continued my practice. I was so surprised at just how much I did have to be grateful for. I was so grateful to a dear friend of mine for her words of encouragement and her suggestions of homeopathic remedies, which really helped.

I was so grateful that the play I am in at the moment requires me not to move and just sit in a wheelchair.

I was so grateful for the sunshine that brought out the smell of the roses that sometimes overwhelmed me and made me feel so heady.

I was grateful to see the cheeky little sparrows using my planters to have their dust baths in.

I was grateful that I had a partner who quietly and without fuss took over and just did all the jobs I normally do around the house.

I was grateful that he could also help me get dressed and undressed.

I am grateful for my life. Yes I might be in pain, I might not be as mobile as I’d like to be, but I have so much. I am surrounded by love.

I can’t write a lot this month as my one handed typing is very slow but hopefully I will be able to make it up next month. I just wanted to connect with you and surround you with my love. I am grateful for each and everyone of you. Some of you have been in my life for just a moment, some have stayed and that has been a wonderful blessing. Some I may not ever have met and some are complete strangers to me, but if you are reading this, you are surrounded by my love. Not that my love is any different from anyone else’s, it’s just that love knows no bounds, has no restrictions, carries no judgements, has compassion and understanding. I feel it for myself and so want to share it with you.

Much love, from a one armed Patricia x

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Patricia O'Neill
Patricia O'Neill
Sep 17, 2023

Dear Patricia, I just wanted to touch base with you, I felt your love and energy when I read your blog. I too have had some challenges and which have encouraged me to look at other ways of healing and dealing with problems and health issues, and that I believe is good and appropriate at this time. The other major effect has been to look inwards for answers and resources and that for me has been the most beneficial, being out of action does give you this opportunity! Keep going your are loved and appreciated.

Pat xxx


Christl Greene
Christl Greene
Sep 14, 2023

Thanks for your love and wishing you a speedy recovery and no pain. Love Christl 🤗

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