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July 2022 - Maybe the Last Dragon's Talk


Dear Friends,

First of all I am sorry that there was no June Dragon’s Talk. You always think you have plenty of time, but time, like sand, runs away through your fingers and is gone before you know it. Time put on a sprint for me in June which ended in me being very ill at the end of June and into July. I am much better now but realise how time is shooting away this month too.

The good news is that there is a gorgeous young man creating a new web site for me. He has suggested that I write a monthly Dragon’s Talk blog and then send out the link to the web site blog page. I would also include on the Events page my own events and the events sent to me by others so that wherever you are in the world, you might find an event near you or join in with an online event. I would also send the link to the web site events page. The web site would be more interactive than it is now. It will be a smaller, easier to navigate website. I will also be able to include the recordings of my monthly talks and meditations so that anyone can listen to them at any time. As you can tell I am rather excited about it all. Another plus is that I will have less admin to do which, for me, is a massive big plus.

When I find the time to work on it, it might be finished in August but if not, definitely September.

Watch this space!

More than ever we are being called to live from the heart and when you think about the above quote from Ibn Arabi, the call of the heart has been around for a considerable number of years, so it is about time we took it seriously.

Ibn says he follows the religion of Love, how wonderful, to allow what others think is the whole truth and love them just the same. I’ve known many people who believe what they believe to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I’ve experienced for myself family members who won’t speak to other family members because they don’t share the same truth. It has become even more noticeable around the virus versus conspiracy theories.

But sometimes in the quest to let others know our truth we can forget to come from a heart space. We can forget the message of Ibn who can embrace whatever others believe because he just loves.

Sometimes someone’s perspective of the truth can be very hurtful to another and sometimes the truth as we see it, has no room for anyone else’s ‘truth’.

Being in heart space, being in love, means that we have a better, bigger understanding of where the other person is coming from. Do you remember when you first ‘fell in love’. It didn’t matter what anyone else said about your beloved, you believed in them, understood them, had patience and above all loved them unconditionally. I believe this is what we are meant to practice - unconditional love, no matter what the other one believes.

If there is something you believe to be true and you wish to share this knowledge with another, I would suggest that you focus first in your heart space, ask your Soul self to help you stay in your heart space and offer all your actions up for the highest good. Whatever the truth that you believe is, whether it is a personal truth about the person or a truth you believe they should know, deliver it gently and with an understanding that just because it is your truth, the other person may not see it in the same way. Keep your heart open to them, even if they outright reject your version of the truth - no one said it would be easy.

This planet is full of truths, every member of our big human family has their own ‘truth’. The

problems arise when truths are delivered coldly, without love, sometimes forcibly with anger and even violence. If we ignore the fact - the truth, that we are beings of love on a planet created out of love, that nourishes and supports us out of love, that we are children of a great love, that we are always supported and loved even when there is not much evidence of it, then we are lost. Love is the key to turning the whole planetary situation around, opening the door to the love and support that is there for us. Love brings forgiveness and understanding. We the people of this planet are being asked to spend our lives in love, to nurture love, spread love, be an example of love.

Practice makes perfect. Start by opening your heart to someone or something you already love, your child, parent, cat, dog, goldfish. Then practice opening your heart to your neighbour, work colleague, friend. When done to your satisfaction then practice on people you don’t know very well and if you feel you are doing well then begin to practice on politicians, criminals (not that I believe politicians to be criminals, you understand) but people it would be more difficult to love, the person who cuts you up in traffic, the person who jumps the queue, the person who sounds off their beliefs whether you want to hear them or not - I am sure you can find plenty of people you

can practice on. As you know, when people come together in a group then their prayers, wishes and intentions are much more powerful. So let’s all practice the love that is beyond all understanding. Spend time focussing in your heart centre and either spreading out the love or allowing people and/or situations in. Offer up your attempts and successes for the highest good, let’s start to change the energy on this planet, I know we can do it, we are powerful beyond measure.

Much love to you all - Patricia

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